Help Fight Senior Loneliness, One Letter at a Time.

Help Fight Senior Loneliness, One Letter at a Time.
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Help Fight Senior Loneliness one letter at a time
To most of us, the holidays are a time to celebrate and be happy…
Sadly, many seniors find it difficult to stay positive and happy during this time.
Did You know…
43% of Americans who are 60 and older report feeling lonely?
And loneliness can increase their risk of dementia, heart disease, and stroke.
Help Fight Senior Loneliness one letter at a time
Do Something New and Unique This Year to Bring Some Joy
and help seniors overcome isolation, lack of activity, and depression!
All you need to do is write a handwritten note or card today to start reducing loneliness for our seniors with just one joyful letter or card at a time. Help Fight Senior Loneliness one letter at a time
Where Do You Start?!
It’s so simple…
- 1- Just Click This Link Now: How to write a letter – Love For Our Elders
Then, pick the Bio of an elder you see OR send a letter to an elder you already know who needs some extra attention. 🙂 All it takes is a few minutes to sit down, and write a letter. Tell them a little about yourself, maybe share a joke or a riddle and let them know that they are cared for.
- If you know a senior that you’d like to nominate to receive letters, Click Here: Nominate a Senior to receive Letters of Love
Start Writing Now for the Holiday Season — Send a card or letter a week and change a senior’s life for the better!
Love For Our Elders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Jason Cramer in 2013 after his grandpa passed away in 2010. He is a student and writer at Yale University. His vision is to create a more loving, empathetic future grounded in kindness.
Love For Our Elders Mission:
“…responsibility to stay transparent and true to who we are as an organization. To keep us centered, accountable and grounded in kindness as we continue to grow, we’re sharing three goals that reflect our vision of a more loving, empathetic future.
- Help People To Love
- Help People Feel Loved.
- Sustain That Love.
“I’d love to have you join our work. From writing a letter to an elder, to chipping in to help us keep our work going,
there’s so much you can do to make a difference and show your “love for our elders.” – Jacob
Start writing a letter today and check out the Love For Our Elders Resources Page to learn how Students, Senior Communities or Business can Join In & Help!
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