Did You Know? End of Life Care Is Not a New Idea

In our Western culture, there is a tendency to avoid discussions about death, so most are not aware that End-of-Life Care exists.
In fact, “…90% of people say that talking with loved ones about end of life is important,yet only 27% have actually done so.”
– The Conversation Project
This month, we explore what End-of-Life Care is and how an End-of-Life Expert serves individuals, our loved ones and the professional community. In our Interview with Laura Miner, End-of-Life Expert & Thanatologist, she answers some basic questions about how this type of support can help us all when facing the end-stages of life.
“Discussing your situation, your feelings, your reactions to death,and your grief for what you may have already lost, can help everyone involved… ” – Laura Miner
What Is an End-of-Life Care Expert?
These professionals are non-medical persons trained to care for individuals and their families near the end of life.
Their focus is on the mental, spiritual, and emotional needs that is usually overlooked and are a crucial part of the transition to death.
They recognize death is a natural, accepted, and sacred part of life. These experts seek to eliminate the silence, fear, and avoidance around death-related topics.
Why Use An End-of-Life Care Expert?
They are trained professionals that can support and enrich the dying experience for patients, family members, and friends during the transformative end-of-life changes.
End-of-Life Care Experts can:
- Help navigate the signs and symptoms of the dying process
- Strengthen relationships between medical doctors, nurses, caregivers, and the ohana
- Encourage people to speak openly about death and dying
- Help the dying person reflect on their lives and values
- Decrease anxiety surrounding the death
- Help with logistical planning before, during, and after death
- Conduct rituals or comfort practices
- Explain the bodily functions of dying to caregivers
- And, so much more…
Who Uses End-of-Life Care Experts?
The young, elderly, terminally ill, healthy, and caretakers!
- Individuals and Families use End-of-Life Care Experts for one-on-one guidance, support, and coaching
- Businesses, like Ohana Care Maui, partner with experts like Laura for ongoing staff training to enhance their skills in what can be an emotionally challenging situation.
- Hospitals, Hospices, & Funeral Homes. In these settings, they are used to navigate the special needs of those in the act of dying, along with their families or loved ones. This type of support is slowly becoming a practice norm in Hawaii Nei.
Are End-of-Life Experts Different From Hospice Workers?
Yes! End-of-Life Care Experts work with hospice services to provide guidance that complements the medical care received in hospice.
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) now has an End-of-Life Care / Doula Council that encourages hospices to hire these experts as a part of their team to allow for the best End-of-Life experience.
End-of-Life Experts & Doulas can also help with:
- Advance Health Care Planning
- Practical training for both family members & professional caregivers
- Creating a plan for support at the patient’s time of death
- Help with planning funeral and memorial services
- Companionship to patients
- Needed relief for family caregivers
- Grief support
- Vigil presence for actively dying patients
Why work with Laura Miner, End-of-Life Expert?
With over 20 years of experience, Laura empowers both individuals & professionals. She gives them practical tools to navigate the special needs of those with a terminal illness or in the end-of-life, and coaches them on how to more easily bridge the progression to ‘Death As A Natural Part Of Life’. Laura offers a Series of Classes for Professional Development and Continuing Education.
“[Laura’s coaching] …allows us all to use our final moments, and those of our loved ones,for appreciation and love rather than fear, isolation, and avoidance.”
For More Insight and Guidance – Reach Out to Laura Today.
Laura Miner, CT, MAT
End-of-Life Care Education & Coaching
(808)757-8124 or Laura Miner Web Site
Laura is an educator, coach, and mentor:
- Certified in Thanatology – Death, Dying & Bereavement
- 21 Years in End–of–Life Care, Hospice Trained,
- Member, Association on Death Education & Counseling since 2015